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Allied Arts Exceeds 2024 Campaign Goal of $3.73 Million

Monday, June 17, 2024

Allied Arts thanks leadership and volunteers for helping organization reach and exceed goal

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK., June 2024 – At its Campaign Celebration event at Vast on June 4, Allied Arts announced that the organization raised $3,778,403 in support of central Oklahoma’s arts community through its 2024 fundraising efforts. Allied Arts campaign funds are distributed to more than 40 local nonprofit cultural organizations annually, providing the resources they need to remain dynamic, reach underserved populations, and offer quality and affordable programming to the public.

“The nearly $3.8 million raised will go a long way in making sure the arts are accessible to all,” said Jill and Sean Trauschke, 2024 Campaign Chairs. “The arts have the power to unify and the ability to lift us when we’re down. We are grateful that individuals, businesses and foundations came together to support a vibrant cultural landscape serving our community’s diverse needs.” The Trauschkes thanked the donors and leadership volunteers who played an instrumental role in surpassing the campaign goal. Leading the charge among donors were The Chickasaw Nation, Devon Energy, Glenna & Dick Tanenbaum, the Kirkpatrick Family Fund and OG&E. They all made significant contributions of $100,000 or more as Visionary donors.

Serving as Honorary Chairs were Glenna and Dick Tanenbaum in recognition of their life-long service and philanthropy on behalf of the arts. The Tanenbaums were the only individual donors at the $100,000+ Visionary level to the 2024 campaign. Allied Arts President and CEO Sunny Cearley said, "Glenna and Dick have been champions of the arts for decades. We are incredibly fortunate that they took such a "hands on" approach in this year's campaign, leveraging their influence to bring new and significant donations to the campaign."

Showcasing local talent and the nonprofits Allied Arts supports, Maggie Sherman, representing Sooner Theatre, sang a rendition of the “Wizard and I” from the Broadway musical “Wicked.” In addition, Allied Arts also gave out several awards including the Aubrey McClendon Lifetime Achievement Award to Lee Allan Smith, who was in attendance. Allied Arts also presented the second annual Excellence in Arts Education Award to Kim Wilson of El Sistema Oklahoma.

Event guests also learned that the 2025 Step-Up artist will be Madeline Dillner. Dillner is an OU graduate and works at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. Her art will be available to those who participate in the Allied Arts employee giving program. In 2024, employee giving campaigns were held by 163 businesses across the greater metro and raised a record-breaking $907,000 for Allied Arts. American Fidelity, Continental Resources, Devon Energy, Heart of the City and OG&E were among the workplaces to raise the most this year.

While the 2024 campaign has technically concluded, Allied Arts accepts donations and delivers employee giving presentations year-round. Please call 405-278-8944 to learn more or visit to make a secure donation online.

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